Monday, April 8, 2019

What is Selenium

Selenium is a free open source automated testing supports only web based application. selenium is not just a single tool but a suite of software It has four component.

1.Selenium IDE (Integrated Development environment )

2.Selenium RC (Remote Control)


4. Selenium Grid

In market lots of automation tools like selenium , QTP (quick test process) and  Katalon studio but mostly companies used selenium because it is an open source and it support multiple languages like java ,C#,python ,Ruby etc. It is useful to test website on different- different browser.

What is selenium IDE ? 

Selenium IDE (integrated development environment) is a record and playback tool.Its record and action performed on web page. It is an extension of chrome and Firefox browser.

What is selenium RC(Remote control)? 
This is the first automated web application tool that allow user to use a programming language.Its support multiple programming language like java , php , C# ,python ,perl ,ruby etc.

What is selenium Web driver ? 

web driver is an web  automated  testing tool that is directly communicate to the web Browser. with help of web driver  you can our run the script on different-different browser.
 >> If you want to  run our  script on chrome browser than you need chrome web driver.
>> If you want to run our script on Firefox  browser  then you need gecko web driver.
>> same If want to run our script on IE Browser then  you need Internet Explorer Driver.

What is selenium grid? 

Selenium grid is used to run test cases parallel  on different -2 machine and different -2 browser at same time. parallel test case means executing multiple test cases at same time.

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